Making Sláintecare work

أكثر من سنتين فى The Irish Times

Sir, – I can’t believe that Ireland will ever have a one-tier health system, based on need, not money.
Half the country – the financially better-off half – have health insurance which guarantees them swift access to hospital care. Most of them will not give up this privileged access voluntarily. And they vote.
– Yours, etc,
Jesuit Centre for Faith
and Justice,
Dublin 1.
Sir, – In reference to your editorial, “Vital questions must be answered” (September 23rd), while we all appreciate the recent difficulties in the health service, and the consequent delay in the progress of Sláintecare, whatever and whoever is holding up the delivery should now be named and given a platform to say why they are still being obstructive.
Many people will be asked to change, and even concede authority perhaps, to achieve the best outcome for everyone. Selfish holding on to old and ineffective processes and procedures needs to be challenged bravely by the Sláintecare Implementation Advisory Council.
They need the authority to do this, and should their title be moved on from “Advisory“? All parties to the process need to get together and openly declare their interest so this vital reform of our health service can proceed. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 3.
Sir, – So if everyone thinks Sláintecare is such a great idea, why isn’t it going anywhere? As Bill Clinton would have put it; it’s the consultants stupid!
Irish medical consultants are paid more and deliver less than European colleagues. Why would they want change? Unfortunately, their political influence is such that they can successfully stymie much needed reform.
That is how Irish society works. Powerful vested interests call the shots to the detriment of the majority.
– Yours, etc,

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