Right now is the country’s chance ‘to make Australia great again’

about 4 years in heraldsun

Sky News host Peter Gleeson says the Morrison government is locked in a “high stakes” match-up with COVID-19 and “if we don’t get the post coronavirus economic narrative right, we will squander our future for generations to come.

“Scott Morrison likes to talk about how there are no rules attached to the spread of this virus, that there’s no play book to go by,” Mr Gleeson said.

“The same principle must now apply to the way the prime minister leads the country going forward”.

Mr Gleeson said, “thank goodness we have a pro-aspiration, pro-private investment Coalition government pulling the levers in Canberra”.

He said right now the country is faced with an opportunity to address the nation’s economic narrative leading into the future.

“We have a chance to make Australia great again, let’s not blow it”.

Image: Getty

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